A Life-Long Journey Begins...
Matt and Kyla got a beautiful late September day to celebrate the beginning of their married life and continue their shared journey of travel and discovery. Guests and families and their dogs rolled in from all over the country, hauling antiques, chandeliers and signs in trucks and trailers. It was a lovely group effort with everyone pitching in and doing their part. Having very recently lost his mother, Vickie, Matt, Kyla and their families and friends shared bittersweet moments of remembrance and joy. It was a loving celebration of dancing and fun with lots of hushed moments of love, support and hugs. Vickie was certainly felt and represented in that big barn! The barn and ceremony site were stunning – with an entire family and guest-list of artists, the decor and details were simple but ornate, full of meaning, purpose and color. And we can’t forget the orange VW bus, a physical representation of Matt and Kyla’s life and adventures to come.

Kind Words
Wedding Details
Matt and Kyla’s intimate wedding was perfect for homemade pies and the Rockwich Food truck, which parked and served guests in the grassy area just outside the barn. Monstrey MacDonald supplied tables and chairs and Kyla, Matt, their families and friends brought antiques, a BAR sign, and boxes and boxes of colored glass vases and goblets for a truly colorful and magical table setting and no-hassle compostables for plating Rockwich orders. Matt and Kyla’s wedding was full of sweet, meaningful details like a smattering of old cameras for guests to use in front of the “peeling wallpaper” photo booth; a retro coffee bar set-up, complete with “Matt & Kyla” coffee cups, “Starry Night Barn” homemade bottled beer, and old shutters strewn with family photos. This wedding was purely about love – its history amongst family and friends and Matt and Kyla’s amazing journey ahead.